
Platform updates

Hands holding two puzzle pieces, one with the CM2000 logo and one with the Nursebuddy logo

Nursebuddy integrates with CM2000

Nursebuddy now integrates with CM2000. If your local authority requires data in CM2000 just activate the integration to...

The Notifications Centre in Nursebuddy

Notifications Centre advises care managers when action is needed

Nursebuddy's Notifications Centre displays the critical information care managers need to pay attention to, so they can...

Help improve Nursebuddy with our feature requests platform

Share your feature requests with us and upvote others’ suggestions

Nursebuddy wants to involve homecare teams in our product improvement process. That’s why we launched feature requests...

Nursebuddy first to test video homecare visits in the UK, partnering with VideoVisit and NHS

Nursebuddy is first to test video homecare visits in the UK during COVID-19 pandemic, partnering with VideoVisit, via...

Draft scheduling: How to draft rotas before publishing

Draft rotas flexibly before publishing them. Choose which day to publish the rota and how far into the future you wish...

Family Portal brings peace of mind to family members during COVID-19 pandemic

Our Family Portal brings peace of mind to families who can’t visit relatives because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but want...

Nursebuddy eMAR

Nursebuddy eMAR is here!

Nursebuddy eMAR (electronic Medication Administration Record) automates homecare medication management and...