Nursebuddy incident reporting: reducing harm for clients and carers

Picture of Rocio Solis, Customer Success Manager
Posted by Rocio Solis, Customer Success Manager

Care workers can now file incident reports directly from the Nursebuddy app, including adding a body map, thanks to developments in the way incident reports are handled in Nursebuddy.

From within any client profile or visit, carers can log a detailed incident report, recording what happened and when, and categorise the incident into a pre-established risk grouping, such as falls. Care workers can also upload related photographs or files, or add a body map if necessary, marking the location of any harm on the body.

An incident report with a body map in the Nursebuddy mobile app.

Once submitted, the incident report becomes locked in a read-only state, and is sent to the main Nursebuddy manager app. Follow-up actions or additional information can be appended to the incident report by either the carer or managers. These extra entries are time and date-stamped, recording the Nursebuddy user who logged the subsequent information, with the steps taken in the aftermath of an incident displayed chronologically.

Newly-filed incident reports by carers will appear in the Notifications Centre for managers to review, as well as being attached to the client’s record. Care workers can also access all open incident reports they’ve filed, as well as other open incident reports relevant to the people they are assigned to care for.

A new incident report is shown in the Nursebuddy Notifications Centre.

Once an incident is resolved, managers can close the report and print it off for their records, should they need to. The incident remains visible as a closed issue within the manager view of Nursebuddy.

Find out more about managing risk and compliance with Nursebuddy.