Say thank you to a care worker on us

Picture of Jayne Scarman, Head of Marketing at Nursebuddy
Posted by Jayne Scarman, Head of Marketing at Nursebuddy

Nursebuddy wants to give 100 x £50 gift cards to homecare business owners and managers so that they can treat one of their carers to a meal out. The idea is to reward carers who deserve to be recognised, appreciated and thanked. 🙏

Why are we doing this? We recently surveyed our customers, and here's what we learned:

1. When we asked our customers what they would do with an extra hour in their day at work, 73% said they would invest in training or supporting their staff.

2. When we asked what they felt was holding their homecare businesses back, 58% said recruiting more carers. Reputation plays an important role when recruiting and carer wellbeing is a big factor when attracting new talent.

3. Many people are feeling long-term fatigue because of everything that’s been affecting us during the past couple of years: e.g. Brexit, Covid, war, elections. So we just wanted to do something nice. 💚

How to enter

  • To participate, make sure you’re a member of this Dom Care Managers - peer support group on Facebook.
    It’s a place to get support and advice from other managers. As we know, owning and running a business can be a lonely and hard job, so having a network of people around you is really important. More often than not, they’ve already faced something similar!

  • Find the post about Nursebuddy’s gift card giveaway and nominate a carer by commenting on it, giving a short reason why they deserve to be recognised. We’d love to hear some amazing stories about dedicated carers delivering second-to-none care.

  • We’ll hand out 100 gift cards on a first come, first served basis: 50 to Nursebuddy customers and 50 to homecare companies not using Nursebuddy.

  • After you have nominated a carer, we will contact you via DM on Facebook with instructions on how to receive the gift card.

There is no obligation at all to buy Nursebuddy to be part of this giveaway.