List of Sub-processors

To support the delivery of our Services, Nursebuddy may engage and use data processors with access to certain Customer Data (each, a “Sub-processor”). This page provides important information about the identity, location and role of each Sub-processor. 

Third Parties

Nursebuddy currently uses third party Sub-processors to provide infrastructure services, additional features, analytics and to help us provide customer support. Prior to engaging any third party Sub-processor, Nursebuddy performs diligence to evaluate their privacy, security and confidentiality practices and executes an agreement implementing its applicable obligations.

Infrastructure Sub-processors

Nursebuddy may use the following Sub-processors to host Customer Data or provide other infrastructure that helps with the delivery of our Services: 

Entity Name

Subprocessing Activities

Entity Country

Amazon Web Services, Inc.

Cloud Service Provider

Ireland, Singapore

MongoDB, Inc.

Cloud Service Provider

Ireland, Singapore

Other Sub-processors

Nursebuddy may use the following Sub-processors to perform other Service functions:

Entity Name

Subprocessing Activities

Entity Country

Intercom, Inc.

Cloud-based Customer Support Services

United States

Messente Communications Ltd.

SMS provider



SMS provider

United States

Raygun, Inc.

Cloud-based Error Tracking Services

United States

Google Inc.

Cloud Service Provider

United States


Cloud-based Error Tracking Services

United States


Customer account management service

United States


Survey provider


Stripe Inc

Payment Processor

United States


As our business grows and evolves, the Sub-processors we engage may also change. We will endeavour to provide the owner of Customer’s account with notice of any new Sub-processors to the extent required under the Agreement, along with posting such updates here. Please check back frequently for updates.